Advancements in sensors, Internet and communication technologies are bringing new opportunities and challenges to how smart buildings are designed and managed to be better aligned with the priorities of tenants, property owners and managers. There are many benefits, like improving operations, energy efficiency and improved experiences and comfort for tenants just to name few. However, there are still many challenges that should be overcome in all phases of the smart building life cycle (from planning building automation systems, installation to use, operations and maintenance).
We are glad to be able to offer several challenging and exciting master thesis projects within Building Automation and smart buildings area with a focus on different aspects of the human-building interaction within the User Experience Design group at the ABB Corporate Research Centre in VästerÃ¥s. We are currently looking for motivated students in the fields of Interaction Design, HCI or Media technology preferably with experience/interest in physical and digital prototyping.
If interested please contact: Goranka Zoric, goranka [dot] zoric [at] se [dot] abb [dot] com, and apply here: