Perspectives: Economy
An unusually abundant range of specialization opportunities presents itself to HCI Master students in Siegen. This is thanks to the considerable diversity of possibilities for specialization in the course of study and the range of research projects. These offer students the opportunity to gain experience both in the form of seminar papers and through working as a student assistant. Depending on personal specialization and focus, numerous vocational fields are open to Master graduates – from classic positions such as interaction designers, usability testers, and usability/ux-consultants to positions in the management of (agile) software projects etc.
Perspectives: Science
According to international comparisons, the Chairs of Business Informatics at the University of Siegen have an outstanding record of publication history. Any HCI Master students interested in working scientifically will happily be integrated into research areas at a very early stage, enabling them to work actively and largely autonomously as scientists. Publishing and participating in conferences together with others (or even alone, as a student) are not uncommon practices. From Paris to Vancouver, HCI students from Siegen have been present all over the world at conferences, where they were given the opportunity to present their work. This is excellent preparation for any student with the inclination to follow a career in science.
HCI-Alumni Voices

Katja Gutjahr
„In the HCI programme, I was able to deepen my knowledge in the area of user research, but also learn to think like a designer. Creative work and the development of new ideas, focusing on user-centered design, were reflected in practice-oriented projects and research works. With interdisciplinary lectures and the definition of an individual study focus, I could pursue my own interests. During my studies, I completed a six-month internship in the area of interaction design, and I am currently working as a Product Manager with an emphasis on UX.“

Hannes Kurze
„The HCI Master degree allowed me to apply my methodical knowledge in university projects and develop in my own direction. In short, a good preparation and reference for the professional life. Hannes Kurze, Junior User Experience Designer at Goodgamestudios (Altigi GmbH) in Hamburg.“

Marco Fries
„Much of the lectures I found in my daily routine at work. There is a strong user-centered focus in the HCI study program. This mindset helps me a lot at work, as I am interacting closely with our customers from the beginning of the project to the support when going into practice. I profit from the study program a lot and therefore I am able to shape my work actively in a way where I can meet the requirements of everyone. Through this I can provide a software to the end-user, which supports him in his tasks and provides a good User Experience. For my work HCI is the perfect match.“
Marco Fries is an HCI student at our University. He also works as a product developer and consultant at GIB. With 120 employees and 600 customers worldwide GIB is one of the largest software and consulting companies in South Westphalia. The GIB company is licensed SAP silver partner and expert for optimizing supply chain processes.