The University of Siegen’s concept for the HCI-Master program was guided by an advisory body comprised of internationally leading scientists from this thematic area (see list). Not only did all these well-known researchers voice their opinions before, during and after the development of the Siegen HCI concept but we listened to them and [incorporated their ideas into the program]. Today we remain in close contact with a multitude of international scientists, some of whom come to Siegen in the course of exchange programs to teach in the HCI Master course.
Advisory Body
Prof. Dr. John M. Carroll, Penn State, USA
Prof. Dr. Antonella De Angeli, Manchester Business School, UK
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Dr. Michael Herczeg, University of Lübeck, Germany
Prof. Dr. John L. King, University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Dr. Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Dr. Gary M. Olson, University of California, Irvine, USA
Dr. Joerg Beringer,
Vice President SAP Labs, Palo Alto
Products by SAP are increasingly supporting informal and knowledge-intensive business processes. To ensure that these sociotechnical systems fit their purpose as well as possible, understanding human working practices is essential for the design of future business applications. Therefore, product designers with broad qualifications in Human-Computer Interaction will continue playing an important role for SAP in the future.
Dr. Roman Englert,
Deutsche Telekom
Designing graphical user interfaces which are adaptable to user habits and personal preferences is a challenge in the age of a diversity of terminal devices. Mass applications like email, online shops and home data access are expected to be usable easily and reliably by everyone. We think that the new HCI degree has the potential to prepare students for these challenges.
Sabrina Duda,
Geschäftführer/Managing Director & Partner, eye square GmbH
I’m delighted that there is finally an HCI Master degree! Our company is specialised in usability services. Before, there was no university degree in this area providing the necessary qualifications. The HCI Master now fills this gap; therefore, I see great professional chances for its graduates.
Philippe Nuderscher,
Geschäftsfühender Gesellschafter der expeer GmbH, Bonn
Based on a good user-centered computer science education in the same environment as Prof. Dr. Wulf, I founded expeer in Bonn. The company is specialised in products and consulting services in the area of e-commerce. I think HCI Master graduates have excellent career prospects – including the foundation of their own IT businesses.
Dr. Markus Won,
Senior IT Expert, IT-Projektleiter, Deutsche Post World Net AG
User-centered design of IT applications is becoming more and more relevant for big corporations with complex, knowledge-intensive processes. Especially in view of this fact, we need graduates with distinct skills in the area of Human-Computer Interaction. The combination of computer science, design-oriented and social science topics in the HCI Master degree will certainly produce graduates with excellent, job market-oriented qualifications.
Dipl. Inform. Dennis Conze,
CONZE Informatik GmbH
Being specialists for user interface engineering, we are daily confronted with tasks concerning interface design, interaction design, usability and software engineering. The fulfilment of these tasks, as well as the whole area of Human-Computer Interaction, are essential success criteria in the medical sector and are gaining relevance in the implementation of ISO norms in product development. For this reason, we are grateful for the close relationship to the HCI department and appreciate the Master programme as the first of its kind in Germany. We are looking forward to experiencing first-hand what its students are going achieve in the future.