You have already applied or even received admission, but still more questions?

Yes, you can defer your admission up to three consecutive semesters. You do not need to formally respond to your admission at this point, but follow the steps below:

Please let us know as soon as you have made your decision. Due to technical resasons, you will need to reapply on Unisono. You will not have to upload your documents again and go through the interview process, but simply upload your admission letter and we will provide you a new one. Please do so within the application period!

There are a number of ways to do this. The order of study and module handbook helps to you gain an initial impression of the courses. Then there is of course Unisono (university platform for lecturers an students) where you can find our HCI program and most up-to-date information on the courses.
We have prepared a document which can help you look for a room and familiarises you with German rental law:

Looking for Residence

The University of Siegen is a regular public university and since the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia no longer charges tuition fees, the only expense to be paid is the standard semester fee of about 240 euro per semester. This fee includes an NRW-ticket, allowing the holder unlimited travel per public transport within the largest federal state of Germany. See here for more information on the current fees:
Excellent idea! There is high demand for student assistants to work on a large number of research projects related to the Chairs here and this makes it possible for almost any HCI student to find work here, if desired. But please bear in mind that a job interview in person is necessary to get to know each other and to figure out which project would be a good match. Since the work is thematically and physically closely linked to the HCI program, such a job can easily be linked to the course of study. This is why a large number of HCI-students work with us, supporting their practical skills linked to the learned theories. With a high degree of personal responsibility, students carry out studies and user tests as well as contributing to scientific publications. In the course of their studies, many HCI students manage to take part in a number of conferences, some of which are international and renowned. Even for students who do not intend to work in research later, conference participation is an exciting prospect which offers the chance to publish term and seminar papers by way of trial in scientific journals. This can prove very advantageous for your motivation (and afterwards for your reputation, too).

So how to find a job as a student assistant?

On our team website, current job offers are usually posted:

If you cannot find a suitable job for yourself, you can get an overview of all ongoing projects under „Research“ (left menu). Here, you can contact the responsible person for a project that you are interested in and ask them if they happen to have any vacancies.

We also sometimes post job offers over our mailing list or in the Telegram group.

This question crops up time and time again. It is of course possible in Siegen but the lecturers attach great importance to the stipulation that a scientific research question must form the basis for the thesis. Unfortunately, industrial enterprises sometimes misuse graduates as cheap labor for specific projects with absolutely no, or only very few, scientific demands and that is something the lecturers in Siegen are simply not prepared to accept. All plans to work on your final paper in industry should therefore be discussed beforehand with one of the professors.
The University of Siegen has a number of partner universities around the world. In the past, HCI students have spent a term abroad in Tallinn (Estonia), Skövde (Sweden), Tokyo (Japan), Beijing (China) and Tulsa (USA) among other places. If you are interested, you can find all partner universities here:

Contact the ISA for more information:

Siegen offers all kinds of discos and pubs (from mainstream to dark) as well as an active room-sharing community. The surrounding area (which is stunning) is perfect to outdoor activities such as mountainbiking, motorcycling, horse riding, etc. More information on Siegen you can find here.
And we are here to answer them!

Generally speaking, your Academic Advisor is the person to ask.