Examination Regulations and Module Handbook 2019

The new Examinations Regulations for our HCI-Master concerning all students starting from the winter semester 2019/20 are available below. The module handbook is included in the Examination Regulations.

Examination Regulations 2019 (German)
Examination Regulations 2019 (English)
Study Overview 2019

Internship Regulations 2019 (German)
Internship Regulations 2019 (English)
Short overview of the internship process

Overview of all current interdisciplinary modules: Interdisciplinary Modules in HCI
Please note that we are currently reviewing the document to include or exclude courses that are no longer offered. We recommend having another look at the document before the registration period in unisono ends.


Formular zur Prüfungsanmeldung (German)
Exam registration form (English)

Anmeldung zur Abschlussarbeit (German)
Thesis registration form (English)

Internship accreditation form (only in German)
