“We know what’s technically possible, but we can’t decide what’s technically reasonable. Therefore, we have to combine it to real views, perspectives and stories.†– Technically savvy inhabitant of a Siegen retirement home in an interview, concerning the design and evaluation of a memory aid app Starting a new degree is always an adventure and a journey into a … Read More
My neighborhood
Exhibition about an experimental and intercultural project, exploring neighborhood from the perspective of people of different cultures and ages. a cooperation of: Prof. Igor Sacharow-Ross, Syntopie-Labor Cologne Raum vor Ort, Dortmund come_IN e.V. Institute for Information Systems and New Media, University of Siegen when & where Sep 11 – October 03 Frauenmuseum Bonn For more information: http://www.frauenmuseum.de/ausstellung_detail.php?ausstellung_id=146&richtung=zukunft&alter_startwert=0